About Me

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Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Im just an 19 year old girl that loves to have fun and do weird things with my crazy ass friends. I experiment a lot and I wish I had certain things. Not all fashionable, my wish list is bigger than what I have. I'm just an average girl that unfortunately, cant get a job AT ALL in my life. fckn fayetteville. Smh. I love my life right now no matter how many times i say I hate it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

I feel like it is happening all over again. I feel like something is going to just mess US up and im not ready for it. Im just so stressed right now. I got midterms this week. I gotta go get my license. Gas is $3.45. Im upset. I need some pills to eassse my mind but I cant even afford that. Like, ……. Im upset. highly pissed off right now.
I need something to calm down on. I had told him to make sure he got some on Friday but I cant do shit when I go home Friday and dont have 40 dollars. Well, 20 but i was planning on buying 4 so we can double up and sex it up twice as much…………… I dont even care bout the sex part right now I can get that whenever I go home but the getting high part. Smh. I feel like Im just willing to do anything to ease my mind. im tired of being stressed out all the time.
I need motivation to do my paper. I havent started. Due tomorrow. I give up. Like, what the hell. Life is going sooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. I just want to pop a bean and just lay there and think. I made a B on my History paper when I was high off that and i did all 5 pages in an hour like, I was beasting it. I had an hour and a half to do it before it closed then when i sent it i seen she pushed the time back. I was so upset. I kinda like, blew my high towards the end of it but i got it done and I made a B in the class. (dances around).
I just wish someone understands how I feel. I really want to take a semester off from school.

In the mornin on the way to breakfast

Monday, February 21, 2011

Im at the point where everytime i see my bf i love him more and more. Im tired of all the petty ish influencing my behavior. So the fuck what. Im at the point of talking about the same thing that im tired of it. It always seem like im trying to find something wrong to convince me that im making a mistake but how is that doing me any good when i know i didnt make a mistake.

I came to the conclusion that if god (yes i actually mentioned him, rarely happens right? Lol.) but if god wanted it to happen. It would. Like teen mom. Thats there life destiny. Obviously if theyy going through it they are going through with gods plans fo them. You can say whatever you want i dont really care. Just my opinion. That and god dont like ugly aka karma. So everyone that is fckn up will be punished. Either sooner or later. Bad or worst. Im just saying.

Blogger its been a while. I have nothing interesting to say right now. Most of everything i need to say is on tumblr soooo... Sorry for abandoning you but just know im stressed. Ima give u a bried summary.

Bday weekend was great with my boyfriend everytime i see him i love him more and more. Had to let my friend know i love my boyfriend and that im happy with him and for him to stop trying to get with me. Smh.

Uhmm got drunk. Cant drink and drive. Stressed out becuz my slow self threw my dmn license away my friend said its gnna show up.i dont think so tho cuz if i had my receipt that i threw away then something gotta give. Oh well.

Just pray that im able to go to the beach for my spring break likee i planned on doing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I know i shouldn't laugh tho.

Walking to class this girl was cumin up the stairs and tripped. Dude, I was the only one that seen that. I was gnna ask if she was ok but she had headphones on. I kno she was embarrassed.

Her face was 2 inches away from the ground. Im glad she caught herself cuz wen she tripped, def didnt look pretty.

Why is it so empty, i kno im not early. Class start at 9:30.