About Me

- forever.original
- Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
- Im just an 19 year old girl that loves to have fun and do weird things with my crazy ass friends. I experiment a lot and I wish I had certain things. Not all fashionable, my wish list is bigger than what I have. I'm just an average girl that unfortunately, cant get a job AT ALL in my life. fckn fayetteville. Smh. I love my life right now no matter how many times i say I hate it.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
I need something to calm down on. I had told him to make sure he got some on Friday but I cant do shit when I go home Friday and dont have 40 dollars. Well, 20 but i was planning on buying 4 so we can double up and sex it up twice as much…………… I dont even care bout the sex part right now I can get that whenever I go home but the getting high part. Smh. I feel like Im just willing to do anything to ease my mind. im tired of being stressed out all the time.
I need motivation to do my paper. I havent started. Due tomorrow. I give up. Like, what the hell. Life is going sooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. I just want to pop a bean and just lay there and think. I made a B on my History paper when I was high off that and i did all 5 pages in an hour like, I was beasting it. I had an hour and a half to do it before it closed then when i sent it i seen she pushed the time back. I was so upset. I kinda like, blew my high towards the end of it but i got it done and I made a B in the class. (dances around).
I just wish someone understands how I feel. I really want to take a semester off from school.
Monday, February 21, 2011
I came to the conclusion that if god (yes i actually mentioned him, rarely happens right? Lol.) but if god wanted it to happen. It would. Like teen mom. Thats there life destiny. Obviously if theyy going through it they are going through with gods plans fo them. You can say whatever you want i dont really care. Just my opinion. That and god dont like ugly aka karma. So everyone that is fckn up will be punished. Either sooner or later. Bad or worst. Im just saying.
Bday weekend was great with my boyfriend everytime i see him i love him more and more. Had to let my friend know i love my boyfriend and that im happy with him and for him to stop trying to get with me. Smh.
Uhmm got drunk. Cant drink and drive. Stressed out becuz my slow self threw my dmn license away my friend said its gnna show up.i dont think so tho cuz if i had my receipt that i threw away then something gotta give. Oh well.
Just pray that im able to go to the beach for my spring break likee i planned on doing.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I know i shouldn't laugh tho.
Her face was 2 inches away from the ground. Im glad she caught herself cuz wen she tripped, def didnt look pretty.
Friday, January 28, 2011
On the phone for 20 mins....
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Emotional moment...
we was talking again. And he was talking about the letter. Talking about how he know where im coming from and that i shouldnt feel that someone is going to take him away from me cuz he already made his mind up about being with me and he shud have let it go just fly by but he didnt. ( A whole story for another post. No im tired of tlkn bout her and her sister.)
anywhoo. He kept tlkn bout the things i pointed out. The fact that he undderstands how i feel. How when i said that i know its impossible for him to love me more than i love him. He wasnt even going to argue with that. He said that he knows thats true because of all the shit that he had put me thru, im still here. I havent left. Not even when it was the worse situation possible im still here. And he knows that he put me thru a lot. He doesnt understand y im here, i dnt kno y i stayed. So many times i wanted to leave but i didnt cuz i thought he wud change. He told me he had mad respect for me because of that and if im willing to go thru that then im willing to go thru anything.
Then started tlkn bout he was in love with me, everytime he turn the ipod on and see my face he cant help but smile and wait for me to come Home. How he dont want to lose me to crazy bitches and he said she said. That he loves how much his mom likes me and how i make him feel. That i seemed to turn his world around that im basically his life and he wants to do better to show me that he has matured a lot from the past.
I see it. He sees it. That he know he changed and so did his mindset. That he cant go one day without thinking of me. the whole time he was saying this all i cud think bout was him telling me that he was in love with me over and over again and i cudnt stop smiling for the whole hr i was on the phone. I didnt even kno the phone rung. I jux picked it up and said hello like im wide awake but crazy how anyone else call me i wudnt hear the phone ring but when he call me (either his mom or sister or aunt phone) i pick up. None of em are saved in my contacts.
I miss him so much i jux want to see him so bad. I want this thing to just fly by so i can go back to the old us just more mature. Where it seemed like nothing can stop us from being together but i didnt think someone wud literally chase after a dude 2 yrs younger than them. I found my man, go find your own.
Even thinking about the past still hurts but i can trust him. I can, its just im scared and he knows that. Wen i first met him, i didnt even think it was going to last this long. a year is a lot to me. I didnt think he wud be this damn important in my life, nor be apart of me. I cant hate other ppl for being in happy relationships wen i was single, becuz they found who they wanted to get married to and still with them 6 years later.
I want a love like that. I want an anniversary where itll be our 70th and whateva award u get for it. I want to be the 80 yr old couples that still hang out and watch movies together.
Its so much about him and what he said that makes me not regret sticking with him. I never regretted it in the first place, i knew what i was getting into. But when they say everyone deserves a second chance... I see why. Cuz some proves to be the one that can change for better and not for worse.
Love is love, and it feels so dmn good to be in it. Especially if they love you back the same way.
Not bullshittin bout it, like true genuine love. the ones u see off the movies. :)
Im jux in a happier mood. My week is brightening up.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Dear Boyfriend
I know you said that you realized that your heart was with me and that she didn’t make you feel how I made you feel, but why couldn’t you see that before you got with her and then attempted to do it behind my back but then had to let it all be known and me, as always, being the last to find out. I was devastated. It felt like everything in me fell apart, my heart broke in a million pieces and they still not mended all together. I feel like I can trust you to a certain extent and instead of me giving everything I have to you, that I should just give you bits and pieces, but I don’t. I still treat you the same way as I did before we broke up but just a bit more closed.
Yea, we can talk about anything and everything but i’d rather you talk about you than me talk about me and my issues that I have with THAT problem that happened. Your open to talk about it more than I am. I just wish that you would just yank it out of me instead of me trying to squeeze it out myself. When I try to do that, I’m left with tears. Tears of me trying to open up but can’t because I keep closing myself off. I don’t want to be like that my whole life. I want to actually open up about my feelings openly but I can’t. I want to be able to say it without having to write it all down. After awhile, my hand starts to hurt and my “whatevatheproblemisstarts” and I get all fidgety and my handwriting becomes crazy i rip the paper apart.
I love you with all of my heart. Even the little pieces that are being ducktaped to my heart to make it whole again. I just don’t want to get hurt more than I already have. I just want to feel loved completely and that I’m the only girl in the world that you could EVER see yourself with. I don’t want to seem like I am asking for everything from you. I’m not. I just want to be cared for. Loved. Not forgotten. I want to alwayys be on your mind.
When you say you love me more. I know you can’t love me more than I love you because that is impossible. It’s not even explainable how I love you wayy more than you love me. I don’t want to make it seem like your my everything but you kinda are. And I say kinda because your not, but your up there. I just, I doubt you would ever come across this. Even if I put this on facebook I would hide people from reading it, it comes straight from my heart. Straight from deep down in my soul about how I feel about certain actions.
It’s not like I can forget about these events that has happened in our relationship. It’s been a year and this is the longest relationship I have ever been in. I would consider this my first real relationship but I can’t because my other relationship that I consider real was back in eleventh grade. The sex doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s just another thing that I love about you but it hurts to feel cheated on. Even when you said the past is haunting you, I know that I was cheated on. Again. But I didn’t bother to ask. I’m to scared to ask. It wouldn’t make a difference. He already has me. I already agreed to God that I’m in this till death do us part. As many times as we had said that together. “till death do us part.” We might as well be married.
But you can’t say a girl pregnant and its yours and not make it seem like you didn’t cheat on me. It’s like I know the answer to the question because unless she already had the baby, then I know you cheated. You can’t say anything about the month of July because it would have to be a coincidence. Regardless if you wasn’t with me but with that girl. You still cheated on me with that girl. Because when you said “2 weeks strong” All I could think about was how my gut feeling was right and how I shouldn’t have ignored it when I first seen that girl.
But when it came down to it, you realized she was just using you as a rebound for your homeboy that broke up with her. I knew that was the reason yall got together in the first place, so when you have messaged me saying that you made a mistake and that your heart wasn’t with her but with me. I wasn’t surprised. I smiled staring at my phone, while I was on my way to Six Flags in Georgia and my heart was racing.
But yet, with all that said. I don’t know why I still considered taking you back. I still feel a little hurt about it but yet I’m risking this again. Risking my happiness. In case you decide to wander off again. Sometimes I read things on ya facebook that make me smile. Especially when you said that you was happy in ya relationship and that haters can suck ya dick and that you love me with everything you had. I couldn’t help but smile but yet. My guard is still up. I’m scared to put it down. I’m scared to tell you that I’m scared to put it down. Hell, I’m scared for you to read this. I don’t want you thinking I don’t trust you.
“Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” -Bob Marley
I try. I really do try. I can just push it to the back of my head and just think that you are doing nothing wrong but I never know what you would be doing. We are in two different places. Two different sets of eyes. If I can’t see you, I just have to trust that you won’t hurt me again. Which I can, but I can’t help when these feelings come back.
Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.
I know that this is long. I just wanted to write how I feel. So I can stop thinking about it. I love when you call. It always seem to brighten up my day to hear from you and that your okay and that I have something to look forward to when I come home. I just want to let you know that I love you more than anything. Your up there with the love that I have for my mom. If anything happened to you or her, I don’t know what I would do. It’s like yall are the reason for me living now. Because I don’t want to hurt you or my mom if something bad was to ever happen to me. With that said, I hope you understand why I been feeling like I had been feeling lately. I really hope you understand.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Let me tell u bout my suitemate
My roommate boyfriend is pissin me off
And his gf tryna have fun. She paid 6 dollars for 2 tickets her ass better have fun. Thats money. But he trippin tlkn bout dumbass hoe. How the fck u gon say u gon be here an hr ago and not show up. Ugh i wanna leave. I need my drink. i need someone to mess with.
I dnt want to go off on this nigga, shit is unneccessary. World dont revolve around u now he tlkn bout breakin bottles like honestly. I dont got time for no fckn foolishness. he cry when she say she gnna dance wit otha dudes. Its not like she fckn him. And if this room get checked and i get fined for iillegal visitation ima cuss his ass out.
Im not babysittin no 19 yr old nigga. Handle ya liquor. Deal wit the consequences. Let the bitch have fun.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I hated having company over and my dad shows up
But what made it worse was that my friend was standing right there and all he did was laugh.
:( ......
But nobody even heard that story (idk if she told anybody but i never said anything). Cuz my ride or die was at my house one day and he did the same thing. i cant eat anything while im around company and he here. I dont eat at all. When we go to a restaurant i just sit there, order something cheap and try to eat without getting made fun of... Cuz from 8th grade to now, shit still hurts thinking bout it.
Friday, January 21, 2011
New Message
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Thursday, January 20, 2011
Some things i dont understand.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I love his random ass phone calls
I wud but i told him im coming home next weekend, he sounded upset. :( But he'll get over it.
I miss him even more now, but a great way for me to fall asleep. :D
Physical Science
I dont have internet at school so my blogs are coming from me. No reblogs anytime soon unless im on the computer but even then idc much for reblogging.
He was tlkn on and on and no idea i zoned out for a bit and dozed off twice. But yay! I dnt have to get a book for that class but boo i already took out 180 for it. Smh. Oh well, extra money for me.
Now i can get me that hoodie for WSSU. Lol.
I started my time of the month. Im really upset and happy. Came on time this month but now, i feel sick to my stomach and in sooooo much pain yet i have no pain killers.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Even though i talked to him for 2 days out of this week for like 3 mins total it seem like.
Even tho he mentioned that lil girl i dnt like, but... It jux made me miss him even more. Tlkn bout its the lil things he cant stop thinking bout. Going thru my pictures on my ipod, then tlkn bout showing it to nichole (And all his friends sayin thats my baby. Corny but sweet lol.) and how she said that she liked the one we took together so he showed her that. Then asked if i had slow jams and he said that yea, but its not for u to hear.
-I aint kno wat that meant, then started tlkn bout how they are baby making music. (Aka), Louder, Sex drive, mattress music, pullin her hair, skin, s&m, nobody, slow jams, sweet lady, Freak Me, pretty ricky 2nd cd, and many more oldies and new ones. The freakky songs. Omg. I miss my ipod.
i miss my babe. Ima see him Sunday. Im not gnna spend my 10 dollars i have left. Ima keep that for emergency gas money and if i dont go to SC. Then even better. :) School is gnna suck so much without him. I always make a wish before i go to sleep and wen. I wake up. Hoping miracles can happen. :)
Call me crazy. I dnt care. Thats my babe and we already said we was in this for life. No matter the stupid ish he puts me thru. Jux glad i dnt have his kind of drama in my life (except that girl. If it wasnt for her being a hoe and 16 i already wud have gave her some words but i dnt speak. If u dnt got nuttin Nice to say, dont say it.) hella funny wen ol dude put her on blast tho. Smh. shame, kids fckn around 8 9 and 10 like.... Around that age i still played wit barbies and thought boys had cooties and was not interested in them till i turned 16.
Off that. I love him. :( I just need him right now. :D .... I think that shud be the other way around but .... Oh well.
Friday, January 14, 2011
i be feelin like shit lately in the AM
Then When i go to the bathroom and sit on the floor waiting for it to come, nothing happens. I mean, my period doesnt come on for a while soo….. its not early symptoms and if it was, i wud be poppin pills cuz of early pains but i dont do that.
•Eating more than usual
•Sleeping like literally all day everyday to the point, i dont realize i was sleep. like 10 hours than the usual 6 i manage to get.
•Back Pain. Wait, i rule that out because i have always had back pain.
•My tummy feeling weird.
•Emotional. Like, i literally just cried over nothing 2 minutes ago.
Ughh.. im not pregnant. so what the hell can it be. U kno what, ima borrow a couple dollars from my mom when she goes on break. (if i remember to wake up on time.) and buy me a pregnancy test. If i am, ughhh! Y! i changed my mind on kids a long time ago. ima jux go back to the bathroom and sit on the floor. I still dont feel good.